29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.9 Basic linear algebra algorithms [linalg]

29.9.14 BLAS 2 algorithms [linalg.algs.blas2] Rank-1 (outer product) update of a matrix [linalg.algs.blas2.rank1]

template<in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, inout-matrix InOutMat> void matrix_rank_1_update(InVec1 x, InVec2 y, InOutMat A); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, inout-matrix InOutMat> void matrix_rank_1_update(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec1 x, InVec2 y, InOutMat A);
These functions perform a nonsymmetric nonconjugated rank-1 update.
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xGER (for real element types) and xGERU (for complex element types)[bib].
— end note]
Mandates: possibly-multipliable<InOutMat, InVec2, InVec1>() is true.
Preconditions: multipliable(A, y, x) is true.
Effects: Computes a matrix such that , and assigns each element of to the corresponding element of A.
Complexity: .
template<in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, inout-matrix InOutMat> void matrix_rank_1_update_c(InVec1 x, InVec2 y, InOutMat A); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, inout-matrix InOutMat> void matrix_rank_1_update_c(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec1 x, InVec2 y, InOutMat A);
These functions perform a nonsymmetric conjugated rank-1 update.
[Note 2: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xGER (for real element types) and xGERC (for complex element types)[bib].
— end note]
  • For the overloads without an ExecutionPolicy argument, equivalent to: matrix_rank_1_update(x, conjugated(y), A);
  • otherwise, equivalent to: matrix_rank_1_update(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), x, conjugated(y), A);