25 Ranges library [ranges]

25.7 Range adaptors [range.adaptors]

25.7.33 Cartesian product view [range.cartesian] Class template cartesian_product_view​::​iterator [range.cartesian.iterator]

namespace std::ranges { template<input_range First, forward_range... Vs> requires (view<First> && ... && view<Vs>) template<bool Const> class cartesian_product_view<First, Vs...>::iterator { public: using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag; using iterator_concept = see below; using value_type = tuple<range_value_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>, range_value_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>...>; using reference = tuple<range_reference_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>, range_reference_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>...>; using difference_type = see below; iterator() = default; constexpr iterator(iterator<!Const> i) requires Const && (convertible_to<iterator_t<First>, iterator_t<const First>> && ... && convertible_to<iterator_t<Vs>, iterator_t<const Vs>>); constexpr auto operator*() const; constexpr iterator& operator++(); constexpr void operator++(int); constexpr iterator operator++(int) requires forward_range<maybe-const<Const, First>>; constexpr iterator& operator--() requires cartesian-product-is-bidirectional<Const, First, Vs...>; constexpr iterator operator--(int) requires cartesian-product-is-bidirectional<Const, First, Vs...>; constexpr iterator& operator+=(difference_type x) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; constexpr iterator& operator-=(difference_type x) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; constexpr reference operator[](difference_type n) const requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires equality_comparable<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>>; friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, default_sentinel_t); friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires all-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr iterator operator+(const iterator& x, difference_type y) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr iterator operator+(difference_type x, const iterator& y) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr iterator operator-(const iterator& x, difference_type y) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires cartesian-is-sized-sentinel<Const, iterator_t, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& i, default_sentinel_t) requires cartesian-is-sized-sentinel<Const, sentinel_t, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr difference_type operator-(default_sentinel_t, const iterator& i) requires cartesian-is-sized-sentinel<Const, sentinel_t, First, Vs...>; friend constexpr auto iter_move(const iterator& i) noexcept(see below); friend constexpr void iter_swap(const iterator& l, const iterator& r) noexcept(see below) requires (indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>> && ... && indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>>); private: using Parent = maybe-const<Const, cartesian_product_view>; // exposition only Parent* parent_ = nullptr; // exposition only tuple<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>, iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>...> current_; // exposition only template<size_t N = sizeof...(Vs)> constexpr void next(); // exposition only template<size_t N = sizeof...(Vs)> constexpr void prev(); // exposition only template<class Tuple> constexpr difference_type distance-from(const Tuple& t) const; // exposition only constexpr iterator(Parent& parent, tuple<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>, iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>...> current); // exposition only }; }
iterator​::​iterator_concept is defined as follows:
iterator​::​difference_type is an implementation-defined signed-integer-like type.
Recommended practice: iterator​::​difference_type should be the smallest signed-integer-like type that is sufficiently wide to store the product of the maximum sizes of all underlying ranges if such a type exists.
template<size_t N = sizeof...(Vs)> constexpr void next();
Effects: Equivalent to: auto& it = std::get<N>(current_); ++it; if constexpr (N > 0) { if (it == ranges::end(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_))) { it = ranges::begin(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_)); next<N - 1>(); } }
template<size_t N = sizeof...(Vs)> constexpr void prev();
Effects: Equivalent to: auto& it = std::get<N>(current_); if constexpr (N > 0) { if (it == ranges::begin(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_))) { it = cartesian-common-arg-end(std::get<N>(parent_->bases_)); prev<N - 1>(); } } --it;
template<class Tuple> constexpr difference_type distance-from(const Tuple& t) const;
  • scaled-size(N) be the product of static_cast<difference_type>(ranges​::​size(std​::​get<N>(parent_->bases_))) and if N  ≤ sizeof...(Vs), otherwise static_cast<difference_type>(1);
  • scaled-distance(N) be the product of static_cast<difference_type>(std​::​get<N>(current_) - std​::​get<N>(t)) and ; and
  • scaled-sum be the sum of scaled-distance(N) for every integer 0  ≤ N  ≤ sizeof...(Vs).
Preconditions: scaled-sum can be represented by difference_type.
Returns: scaled-sum.
constexpr iterator(Parent& parent, tuple<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>, iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>...> current);
Effects: Initializes parent_ with addressof(parent) and current_ with std​::​move(current).
constexpr iterator(iterator<!Const> i) requires Const && (convertible_to<iterator_t<First>, iterator_t<const First>> && ... && convertible_to<iterator_t<Vs>, iterator_t<const Vs>>);
Effects: Initializes parent_ with i.parent_ and current_ with std​::​move(i.current_).
constexpr auto operator*() const;
Effects: Equivalent to: return tuple-transform([](auto& i) -> decltype(auto) { return *i; }, current_);
constexpr iterator& operator++();
Effects: Equivalent to: next(); return *this;
constexpr void operator++(int);
Effects: Equivalent to ++*this.
constexpr iterator operator++(int) requires forward_range<maybe-const<Const, First>>;
Effects: Equivalent to: auto tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;
constexpr iterator& operator--() requires cartesian-product-is-bidirectional<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: prev(); return *this;
constexpr iterator operator--(int) requires cartesian-product-is-bidirectional<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: auto tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp;
constexpr iterator& operator+=(difference_type x) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Let orig be the value of *this before the call.
Let ret be:
  • If x > 0, the value of *this had next been called x times.
  • Otherwise, if x < 0, the value of *this had prev been called -x times.
  • Otherwise, orig.
Preconditions: x is in the range [ranges​::​distance(*this, ranges​::​begin(*parent_)),
ranges​::​distance(*this, ranges​::​end(*parent_))].
Effects: Sets the value of *this to ret.
Returns: *this.
Complexity: Constant.
constexpr iterator& operator-=(difference_type x) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: *this += -x; return *this;
constexpr reference operator[](difference_type n) const requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return *((*this) + n);
friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires equality_comparable<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ == y.current_;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, default_sentinel_t);
Returns: true if std​::​get<i>(x.current_) == ranges​::​end(std​::​get<i>(x.parent_->bases_)) is true for any integer 0  ≤ i  ≤ sizeof...(Vs); otherwise, false.
friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires all-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ <=> y.current_;
friend constexpr iterator operator+(const iterator& x, difference_type y) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return iterator(x) += y;
friend constexpr iterator operator+(difference_type x, const iterator& y) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return y + x;
friend constexpr iterator operator-(const iterator& x, difference_type y) requires cartesian-product-is-random-access<Const, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return iterator(x) -= y;
friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires cartesian-is-sized-sentinel<Const, iterator_t, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return x.distance-from(y.current_);
friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& i, default_sentinel_t) requires cartesian-is-sized-sentinel<Const, sentinel_t, First, Vs...>;
Let end-tuple be an object of a type that is a specialization of tuple, such that:
  • std​::​get<0>(end-tuple) has the same value as ranges​::​end(std​::​get<0>(i.parent_->bases_));
  • std​::​get<N>(end-tuple) has the same value as ranges​::​begin(std​::​get<N>(i.parent_->bases_)) for every integer 1  ≤ N  ≤ sizeof...(Vs).
Effects: Equivalent to: return i.distance-from(end-tuple);
friend constexpr difference_type operator-(default_sentinel_t s, const iterator& i) requires cartesian-is-sized-sentinel<Const, sentinel_t, First, Vs...>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return -(i - s);
friend constexpr auto iter_move(const iterator& i) noexcept(see below);
Effects: Equivalent to: return tuple-transform(ranges​::​iter_move, i.current_);
Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to the logical and of the following expressions:
  • noexcept(ranges​::​iter_move(std​::​get<N>(i.current_))) for every integer
    0  ≤ N  ≤ sizeof...(Vs),
  • is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<range_rvalue_reference_t<maybe-const<Const, T>>>
    for every type T in First, Vs....
friend constexpr void iter_swap(const iterator& l, const iterator& r) noexcept(see below) requires (indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, First>>> && ... && indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<maybe-const<Const, Vs>>>);
Effects: For every integer 0  ≤ i  ≤ sizeof...(Vs), performs: ranges::iter_swap(std::get<i>(l.current_), std::get<i>(r.current_))
Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to the logical and of the following expressions:
  • noexcept(ranges​::​iter_swap(std​::​get<i>(l.current_), std​::​get<i>(r.current_))) for
    every integer 0  ≤ i  ≤ sizeof...(Vs).