27 Strings library [strings]

27.3 String view classes [string.view]

27.3.3 Class template basic_string_view [string.view.template] Construction and assignment [string.view.cons]

constexpr basic_string_view() noexcept;
Postconditions: size_ == 0 and data_ == nullptr.
constexpr basic_string_view(const charT* str);
Preconditions: [str, str + traits​::​length(str)) is a valid range.
Effects: Constructs a basic_string_view, initializing data_ with str and initializing size_ with traits​::​length(str).
Complexity: .
constexpr basic_string_view(const charT* str, size_type len);
Preconditions: [str, str + len) is a valid range.
Effects: Constructs a basic_string_view, initializing data_ with str and initializing size_ with len.
template<class It, class End> constexpr basic_string_view(It begin, End end);
Effects: Initializes data_ with to_address(begin) and initializes size_ with end - begin.
Throws: When and what end - begin throws.
template<class R> constexpr explicit basic_string_view(R&& r);
Let d be an lvalue of type remove_cvref_t<R>.
  • remove_cvref_t<R> is not the same type as basic_string_view,
  • R models ranges​::​contiguous_range and ranges​::​sized_range,
  • is_same_v<ranges​::​range_value_t<R>, charT> is true,
  • is_convertible_v<R, const charT*> is false, and
  • d.operator ​::​std​::​basic_string_view<charT, traits>() is not a valid expression.
Effects: Initializes data_ with ranges​::​data(r) and size_ with ranges​::​size(r).
Throws: Any exception thrown by ranges​::​data(r) and ranges​::​size(r).