28 Text processing library [text]

28.5 Formatting [format]

28.5.7 Formatting of ranges [format.range] Class template range_formatter [format.range.formatter]

Table 110: Meaning of range-type options [tab:formatter.range.type]
T shall be either a specialization of pair or a specialization of tuple such that tuple_size_v<T> is 2.
Indicates that the opening bracket should be "{", the closing bracket should be "}", the separator should be ", ", and each range element should be formatted as if m were specified for its tuple-type.
[Note 2: 
If the n option is provided in addition to the m option, both the opening and closing brackets are still empty.
— end note]
T shall be charT.
Indicates that the range should be formatted as a string.
T shall be charT.
Indicates that the range should be formatted as an escaped string ([format.string.escaped]).