13 Templates [temp]

13.10 Function template specializations [temp.fct.spec]

13.10.1 General [temp.fct.spec.general]

A function instantiated from a function template is called a function template specialization; so is an explicit specialization of a function template.
Template arguments can be explicitly specified when naming the function template specialization, deduced from the context (e.g., deduced from the function arguments in a call to the function template specialization, see [temp.deduct]), or obtained from default template arguments.
Each function template specialization instantiated from a template has its own copy of any static variable.
[Example 1: template<class T> void f(T* p) { static T s; }; void g(int a, char* b) { f(&a); // calls f<int>(int*) f(&b); // calls f<char*>(char**) }
Here f<int>(int*) has a static variable s of type int and f<char*>(char**) has a static variable s of type char*.
— end example]