28 Numerics library [numerics]

28.5 Random number generation [rand]

28.5.3 Requirements [rand.req] Random number distribution requirements [rand.req.dist]

A random number distribution (commonly shortened to distribution) d of type D is a function object returning values that are distributed according to an associated mathematical probability density function p(z) or according to an associated discrete probability function .
A distribution's specification identifies its associated probability function p(z) or .
An associated probability function is typically expressed using certain externally-supplied quantities known as the parameters of the distribution.
Such distribution parameters are identified in this context by writing, for example, p(z|a,b) or , to name specific parameters, or by writing, for example, p(z|{p}) or , to denote a distribution's parameters p taken as a whole.
A class D meets the requirements of a random number distribution if the expressions shown in Table 100 are valid and have the indicated semantics, and if D and its associated types also meet all other requirements of [rand.req.dist].
In Table 100 and throughout this subclause,
  • T is the type named by D's associated result_type;
  • P is the type named by D's associated param_type;
  • d is a value of D, and x and y are (possibly const) values of D;
  • glb and lub are values of T respectively corresponding to the greatest lower bound and the least upper bound on the values potentially returned by d's operator(), as determined by the current values of d's parameters;
  • p is a (possibly const) value of P;
  • g, g1, and g2 are lvalues of a type meeting the requirements of a uniform random bit generator;
  • os is an lvalue of the type of some class template specialization basic_ostream<charT, traits>; and
  • is is an lvalue of the type of some class template specialization basic_istream<charT, traits>;
where charT and traits are constrained according to [strings] and [input.output].
Table 100: Random number distribution requirements [tab:rand.req.dist]
Return type
Creates a distribution whose behavior is indistinguishable from that of any other newly default-constructed distribution of type D.
Creates a distribution whose behavior is indistinguishable from that of a distribution newly constructed directly from the values used to construct p.
same as p's construction
Subsequent uses of d do not depend on values produced by any engine prior to invoking reset.
Returns a value p such that D(p).param() == p.
no worse than the complexity of D(p)
Postconditions: d.param() == p.
no worse than the complexity of D(p)
With , the sequence of numbers returned by successive invocations with the same object g is randomly distributed according to the associated p(z|{p}) or function.
amortized constant number of invocations of g
The sequence of numbers returned by successive invocations with the same objects g and p is randomly distributed according to the associated p(z|{p}) or function.
amortized constant number of invocations of g
Returns glb.
Returns lub.
x == y
This operator is an equivalence relation.
Returns true if x.param() == y.param() and , where and are the infinite sequences of values that would be generated, respectively, by repeated future calls to x(g1) and y(g2) whenever g1 == g2.
Otherwise returns false.
x != y
!(x == y).
same as x == y.
os << x
reference to the type of os
Writes to os a textual representation for the parameters and the additional internal data of x.
Postconditions: The os.fmtflags and fill character are unchanged.
is >> d
reference to the type of is
Restores from is the parameters and additional internal data of the lvalue d.
If bad input is encountered, ensures that d is unchanged by the operation and calls is.setstate(ios_base​::​failbit) (which may throw ios_base​::​failure ([iostate.flags])).
Preconditions: is provides a textual representation that was previously written using an os whose imbued locale and whose type's template specialization arguments charT and traits were the same as those of is.
Postconditions: The is.fmtflags are unchanged.
D shall meet the Cpp17CopyConstructible (Table 32) and Cpp17CopyAssignable (Table 34) requirements.
The sequence of numbers produced by repeated invocations of d(g) shall be independent of any invocation of os << d or of any const member function of D between any of the invocations of d(g).
If a textual representation is written using os << x and that representation is restored into the same or a different object y of the same type using is >> y, repeated invocations of y(g) shall produce the same sequence of numbers as would repeated invocations of x(g).
It is unspecified whether D​::​param_type is declared as a (nested) class or via a typedef.
In [rand], declarations of D​::​param_type are in the form of typedefs for convenience of exposition only.
P shall meet the Cpp17CopyConstructible (Table 32), Cpp17CopyAssignable (Table 34), and Cpp17EqualityComparable (Table 28) requirements.
For each of the constructors of D taking arguments corresponding to parameters of the distribution, P shall have a corresponding constructor subject to the same requirements and taking arguments identical in number, type, and default values.
Moreover, for each of the member functions of D that return values corresponding to parameters of the distribution, P shall have a corresponding member function with the identical name, type, and semantics.
P shall have a declaration of the form using distribution_type = D;