24 Iterators library [iterators]

24.5 Iterator adaptors [predef.iterators]

24.5.1 Reverse iterators [reverse.iterators] Construction and assignment [reverse.iter.cons]

constexpr reverse_iterator();
Effects: Value-initializes current.
constexpr explicit reverse_iterator(Iterator x);
Effects: Initializes current with x.
template<class U> constexpr reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator<U>& u);
Constraints: is_same_v<U, Iterator> is false and const U& models convertible_to<Iterator>.
Effects: Initializes current with u.current.
template<class U> constexpr reverse_iterator& operator=(const reverse_iterator<U>& u);
Constraints: is_same_v<U, Iterator> is false, const U& models convertible_to<Iterator>, and assignable_from<Iterator&, const U&> is modeled.
Effects: Assigns u.current to current.
Returns: *this.