Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]

C.1 C++ and ISO C++ 2023 [diff.cpp23]

C.1.6 [library]: library introduction [diff.cpp23.library]

Affected subclause: [headers]
Change: New headers.

Rationale: New functionality.

Effect on original feature: The following C++ headers are new: <contracts>, <debugging>, <hazard_pointer>, <hive>, <inplace_vector>, <linalg>, <rcu>, <simd>, <stdbit.h>, <stdckdint.h>, and <text_encoding>.
Valid C++ 2023 code that #includes headers with these names may be invalid in this revision of C++.
Affected subclause: [res.on.macro.definitions]
Change: Additional restrictions on macro names.

Rationale: Avoid hard to diagnose or non-portable constructs.

Effect on original feature: Names of special identifiers may not be used as macro names.
Valid C++ 2023 code that defines replaceable_if_eligible or trivially_relocatable_if_eligible as macros is invalid in this revision of C++.