29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.9 Basic linear algebra algorithms [linalg]

29.9.13 BLAS 1 algorithms [linalg.algs.blas1] Complexity [linalg.algs.blas1.complexity]

Complexity: All algorithms in [linalg.algs.blas1] with mdspan parameters perform a count of mdspan array accesses and arithmetic operations that is linear in the maximum product of extents of any mdspan parameter. Givens rotations [linalg.algs.blas1.givens] Compute Givens rotation [linalg.algs.blas1.givens.lartg]

template<class Real> setup_givens_rotation_result<Real> setup_givens_rotation(Real a, Real b) noexcept; template<class Real> setup_givens_rotation_result<complex<Real>> setup_givens_rotation(complex<Real> a, complex<Real> b) noexcept;
These functions compute the Givens plane rotation represented by the two values c and s such that the 2 x 2 system of equations
holds, where c is always a real scalar, and .
That is, c and s represent a 2 x 2 matrix, that when multiplied by the right by the input vector whose components are a and b, produces a result vector whose first component r is the Euclidean norm of the input vector, and whose second component is zero.
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the LAPACK function xLARTG[bib].
— end note]
Returns: c, s, r, where c and s form the Givens plane rotation corresponding to the input a and b, and r is the Euclidean norm of the two-component vector formed by a and b. Apply a computed Givens rotation to vectors [linalg.algs.blas1.givens.rot]

template<inout-vector InOutVec1, inout-vector InOutVec2, class Real> void apply_givens_rotation(InOutVec1 x, InOutVec2 y, Real c, Real s); template<class ExecutionPolicy, inout-vector InOutVec1, inout-vector InOutVec2, class Real> void apply_givens_rotation(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InOutVec1 x, InOutVec2 y, Real c, Real s); template<inout-vector InOutVec1, inout-vector InOutVec2, class Real> void apply_givens_rotation(InOutVec1 x, InOutVec2 y, Real c, complex<Real> s); template<class ExecutionPolicy, inout-vector InOutVec1, inout-vector InOutVec2, class Real> void apply_givens_rotation(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InOutVec1 x, InOutVec2 y, Real c, complex<Real> s);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xROT[bib].
— end note]
Mandates: compatible-static-extents<InOutVec1, InOutVec2>(0, 0) is true.
Preconditions: x.extent(0) equals y.extent(0).
Effects: Applies the plane rotation specified by c and s to the input vectors x and y, as if the rotation were a 2 x 2 matrix and the input vectors were successive rows of a matrix with two rows. Swap matrix or vector elements [linalg.algs.blas1.swap]

template<inout-object InOutObj1, inout-object InOutObj2> void swap_elements(InOutObj1 x, InOutObj2 y); template<class ExecutionPolicy, inout-object InOutObj1, inout-object InOutObj2> void swap_elements(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InOutObj1 x, InOutObj2 y);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xSWAP[bib].
— end note]
Constraints: x.rank() equals y.rank().
Mandates: For all r in the range [0, x.rank()), compatible-static-extents<InOutObj1, InOutObj2>(r, r) is true.
Preconditions: x.extents() equals y.extents().
Effects: Swaps all corresponding elements of x and y. Multiply the elements of an object in place by a scalar [linalg.algs.blas1.scal]

template<class Scalar, inout-object InOutObj> void scale(Scalar alpha, InOutObj x); template<class ExecutionPolicy, class Scalar, inout-object InOutObj> void scale(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, Scalar alpha, InOutObj x);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xSCAL[bib].
— end note]
Effects: Overwrites x with the result of computing the elementwise multiplication αx, where the scalar α is alpha. Copy elements of one matrix or vector into another [linalg.algs.blas1.copy]

template<in-object InObj, out-object OutObj> void copy(InObj x, OutObj y); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-object InObj, out-object OutObj> void copy(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InObj x, OutObj y);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xCOPY[bib].
— end note]
Constraints: x.rank() equals y.rank().
Mandates: For all r in the range , compatible-static-extents<InObj, OutObj>(r, r) is true.
Preconditions: x.extents() equals y.extents().
Effects: Assigns each element of x to the corresponding element of y. Add vectors or matrices elementwise [linalg.algs.blas1.add]

template<in-object InObj1, in-object InObj2, out-object OutObj> void add(InObj1 x, InObj2 y, OutObj z); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-object InObj1, in-object InObj2, out-object OutObj> void add(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InObj1 x, InObj2 y, OutObj z);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xAXPY[bib].
— end note]
Constraints: x.rank(), y.rank(), and z.rank() are all equal.
Mandates: possibly-addable<InObj1, InObj2, OutObj>() is true.
Preconditions: addable(x,y,z) is true.
Effects: Computes .
Remarks: z may alias x or y. Dot product of two vectors [linalg.algs.blas1.dot]

[Note 1: 
The functions in this section correspond to the BLAS functions xDOT, xDOTU, and xDOTC[bib].
— end note]
The following elements apply to all functions in [linalg.algs.blas1.dot].
Mandates: compatible-static-extents<InVec1, InVec2>(0, 0) is true.
Preconditions: v1.extent(0) equals v2.extent(0).
template<in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, class Scalar> Scalar dot(InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, class Scalar> Scalar dot(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2, Scalar init);
These functions compute a non-conjugated dot product with an explicitly specified result type.
Returns: Let N be v1.extent(0).
  • init if N is zero;
  • otherwise, GENERALIZED_SUM(plus<>(), init, v1[0]*v2[0], …, v1[N-1]*v2[N-1]).
Remarks: If InVec1​::​value_type, InVec2​::​value_type, and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InVec1​::​value_type or InVec2​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater.
template<in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2> auto dot(InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2> auto dot(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2);
These functions compute a non-conjugated dot product with a default result type.
Effects: Let T be decltype(declval<typename InVec1​::​value_type>() * declval<typename InVec2​::​value_type>()).
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return dot(v1, v2, T{}); and
  • the three-parameter overload is equivalent to: return dot(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), v1, v2, T{});
template<in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, class Scalar> Scalar dotc(InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2, class Scalar> Scalar dotc(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2, Scalar init);
These functions compute a conjugated dot product with an explicitly specified result type.
  • The three-parameter overload is equivalent to: return dot(conjugated(v1), v2, init); and
  • the four-parameter overload is equivalent to: return dot(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), conjugated(v1), v2, init);
template<in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2> auto dotc(InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec1, in-vector InVec2> auto dotc(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec1 v1, InVec2 v2);
These functions compute a conjugated dot product with a default result type.
Effects: Let T be decltype(conj-if-needed(declval<typename InVec1​::​value_type>()) * declval<typename InVec2​::​value_type>()).
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return dotc(v1, v2, T{}); and
  • the three-parameter overload is equivalent to return dotc(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), v1, v2, T{}); Scaled sum of squares of a vector's elements [linalg.algs.blas1.ssq]

template<in-vector InVec, class Scalar> sum_of_squares_result<Scalar> vector_sum_of_squares(InVec v, sum_of_squares_result<Scalar> init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec, class Scalar> sum_of_squares_result<Scalar> vector_sum_of_squares(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec v, sum_of_squares_result<Scalar> init);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the LAPACK function xLASSQ[bib].
— end note]
Mandates: decltype(abs-if-needed(declval<typename InVec​::​value_type>())) is convertible to Scalar.
Effects: Returns a value result such that
  • result.scaling_factor is the maximum of init.scaling_factor and abs-if-needed(x[i]) for all i in the domain of v; and
  • let s2init be init.scaling_factor * init.scaling_factor * init.scaled_sum_of_squares then result.scaling_factor * result.scaling_factor * result.scaled_sum_of_squares equals the sum of s2init and the squares of abs-if-needed(x[i]) for all i in the domain of v.
Remarks: If InVec​::​value_type, and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InVec​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater. Euclidean norm of a vector [linalg.algs.blas1.nrm2]

template<in-vector InVec, class Scalar> Scalar vector_two_norm(InVec v, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec, class Scalar> Scalar vector_two_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec v, Scalar init);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xNRM2[bib].
— end note]
Mandates: Let a be abs-if-needed(declval<typename InVec​::​value_type>()).
Then, decltype(init + a * a is convertible to Scalar.
Returns: The square root of the sum of the square of init and the squares of the absolute values of the elements of v.
[Note 2: 
For init equal to zero, this is the Euclidean norm (also called 2-norm) of the vector v.
— end note]
Remarks: If InVec​::​value_type, and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InVec​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater.
[Note 3: 
An implementation of this function for floating-point types T can use the scaled_sum_of_squares result from vector_sum_of_squares(x, {.scaling_factor=1.0, .scaled_sum_of_squares=init}).
— end note]
template<in-vector InVec> auto vector_two_norm(InVec v); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec> auto vector_two_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec v);
Effects: Let a be abs-if-needed(declval<typename InVec​::​value_type>()).
Let T be decltype(a * a).
  • the one-parameter overload is equivalent to: return vector_two_norm(v, T{}); and
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return vector_two_norm(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), v, T{}); Sum of absolute values of vector elements [linalg.algs.blas1.asum]

template<in-vector InVec, class Scalar> Scalar vector_abs_sum(InVec v, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec, class Scalar> Scalar vector_abs_sum(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec v, Scalar init);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS functions SASUM, DASUM, SCASUM, and DZASUM[bib].
— end note]
Mandates: decltype(init + abs-if-needed(real-if-needed(declval<typename InVec::value_type>())) + abs-if-needed(imag-if-needed(declval<typename InVec::value_type>()))) is convertible to Scalar.
Returns: Let N be v.extent(0).
  • init if N is zero;
  • otherwise, if InVec​::​value_type is an arithmetic type, GENERALIZED_SUM(plus<>(), init, abs-if-needed(v[0]), …, abs-if-needed(v[N-1]))
  • otherwise, GENERALIZED_SUM(plus<>(), init, abs-if-needed(real-if-needed(v[0])) + abs-if-needed(imag-if-needed(v[0])), …, abs-if-needed(real-if-needed(v[N-1])) + abs-if-needed(imag-if-needed(v[N-1])))
Remarks: If InVec​::​value_type and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InVec​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater.
template<in-vector InVec> auto vector_abs_sum(InVec v); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec> auto vector_abs_sum(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec v);
Effects: Let T be typename InVec​::​value_type.
  • the one-parameter overload is equivalent to: return vector_abs_sum(v, T{}); and
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return vector_abs_sum(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), v, T{}); Index of maximum absolute value of vector elements [linalg.algs.blas1.iamax]

template<in-vector InVec> typename InVec::extents_type vector_idx_abs_max(InVec v); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-vector InVec> typename InVec::extents_type vector_idx_abs_max(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InVec v);
[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function IxAMAX[bib].
— end note]
Let T be decltype(abs-if-needed(real-if-needed(declval<typename InVec::value_type>())) + abs-if-needed(imag-if-needed(declval<typename InVec::value_type>())))
Mandates: declval<T>() < declval<T>() is a valid expression.
  • numeric_limits<typename InVec​::​size_type>​::​max() if v has zero elements;
  • otherwise, the index of the first element of v having largest absolute value, if InVec​::​value_type is an arithmetic type;
  • otherwise, the index of the first element of v for which abs-if-needed(real-if-needed()) + abs-if-needed(imag-if-needed()) has the largest value. Frobenius norm of a matrix [linalg.algs.blas1.matfrobnorm]

[Note 1: 
These functions exist in the BLAS standard[bib] but are not part of the reference implementation.
— end note]
template<in-matrix InMat, class Scalar> Scalar matrix_frob_norm(InMat A, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Scalar> Scalar matrix_frob_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Scalar init);
Mandates: Let a be abs-if-needed(declval<typename InMat​::​value_type>()).
Then, decltype(init + a * a) is convertible to Scalar.
Returns: The square root of the sum of squares of init and the absolute values of the elements of A.
[Note 2: 
For init equal to zero, this is the Frobenius norm of the matrix A.
— end note]
Remarks: If InMat​::​value_type and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InMat​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater.
template<in-matrix InMat> auto matrix_frob_norm(InMat A); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat> auto matrix_frob_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A);
Effects: Let a be abs-if-needed(declval<typename InMat​::​value_type>()).
Let T be decltype(a * a).
  • the one-parameter overload is equivalent to: return matrix_frob_norm(A, T{}); and
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return matrix_frob_norm(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), A, T{}); One norm of a matrix [linalg.algs.blas1.matonenorm]

[Note 1: 
These functions exist in the BLAS standard[bib] but are not part of the reference implementation.
— end note]
template<in-matrix InMat, class Scalar> Scalar matrix_one_norm(InMat A, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Scalar> Scalar matrix_one_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Scalar init);
Mandates: decltype(abs-if-needed(declval<typename InMat​::​value_type>())) is convertible to Scalar.
  • init if A.extent(1) is zero;
  • otherwise, the sum of init and the one norm of the matrix A.
[Note 2: 
The one norm of the matrix A is the maximum over all columns of A, of the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the column.
— end note]
Remarks: If InMat​::​value_type and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InMat​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater.
template<in-matrix InMat> auto matrix_one_norm(InMat A); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat> auto matrix_one_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A);
Effects: Let T be decltype(abs-if-needed(declval<typename InMat​::​value_type>()).
  • the one-parameter overload is equivalent to: return matrix_one_norm(A, T{}); and
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return matrix_one_norm(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), A, T{}); Infinity norm of a matrix [linalg.algs.blas1.matinfnorm]

[Note 1: 
These functions exist in the BLAS standard[bib] but are not part of the reference implementation.
— end note]
template<in-matrix InMat, class Scalar> Scalar matrix_inf_norm(InMat A, Scalar init); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Scalar> Scalar matrix_inf_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Scalar init);
Mandates: decltype(abs-if-needed(declval<typename InMat​::​value_type>())) is convertible to Scalar.
  • init if A.extent(0) is zero;
  • otherwise, the sum of init and the infinity norm of the matrix A.
[Note 2: 
The infinity norm of the matrix A is the maximum over all rows of A, of the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the row.
— end note]
Remarks: If InMat​::​value_type and Scalar are all floating-point types or specializations of complex, and if Scalar has higher precision than InMat​::​value_type, then intermediate terms in the sum use Scalar's precision or greater.
template<in-matrix InMat> auto matrix_inf_norm(InMat A); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat> auto matrix_inf_norm(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A);
Effects: Let T be decltype(abs-if-needed(declval<typename InMat​::​value_type>()).
  • the one-parameter overload is equivalent to: return matrix_inf_norm(A, T{}); and
  • the two-parameter overload is equivalent to: return matrix_inf_norm(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), A, T{});