22 General utilities library [utilities]

22.10 Function objects [function.objects]

22.10.6 Class template reference_wrapper [refwrap] Comparisons [refwrap.comparisons]

friend constexpr bool operator==(reference_wrapper x, reference_wrapper y);
Constraints: The expression x.get() == y.get() is well-formed and its result is convertible to bool.
Returns: x.get() == y.get().
friend constexpr bool operator==(reference_wrapper x, const T& y);
Constraints: The expression x.get() == y is well-formed and its result is convertible to bool.
Returns: x.get() == y.
friend constexpr bool operator==(reference_wrapper x, reference_wrapper<const T> y);
Constraints: is_const_v<T> is false and the expression x.get() == y.get() is well-formed and its result is convertible to bool.
Returns: x.get() == y.get().
friend constexpr auto operator<=>(reference_wrapper x, reference_wrapper y);
Constraints: The expression synth-three-way(x.get(), y.get()) is well-formed.
Returns: synth-three-way(x.get(), y.get()).
friend constexpr auto operator<=>(reference_wrapper x, const T& y);
Constraints: The expression synth-three-way(x.get(), y) is well-formed.
Returns: synth-three-way(x.get(), y).
friend constexpr auto operator<=>(reference_wrapper x, reference_wrapper<const T> y);
Constraints: is_const_v<T> is false.
The expression synth-three-way(x.get(), y.get()) is well-formed.
Returns: synth-three-way(x.get(), y.get()).