29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.10 Data-parallel types [simd]

29.10.7 basic_simd non-member operations [simd.nonmembers] Algorithms [simd.alg]

template<class T, class Abi> constexpr basic_simd<T, Abi> min(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& a, const basic_simd<T, Abi>& b) noexcept;
Constraints: T models totally_ordered.
Returns: The result of the element-wise application of min(a[i], b[i]) for all i in the range of [0, basic_simd<T, Abi>​::​size()).
template<class T, class Abi> constexpr basic_simd<T, Abi> max(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& a, const basic_simd<T, Abi>& b) noexcept;
Constraints: T models totally_ordered.
Returns: The result of the element-wise application of max(a[i], b[i]) for all i in the range of [0, basic_simd<T, Abi>​::​size()).
template<class T, class Abi> constexpr pair<basic_simd<T, Abi>, basic_simd<T, Abi>> minmax(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& a, const basic_simd<T, Abi>& b) noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to: return pair{min(a, b), max(a, b)};
template<class T, class Abi> constexpr basic_simd<T, Abi> clamp( const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, const basic_simd<T, Abi>& lo, const basic_simd<T, Abi>& hi);
Constraints: T models totally_ordered.
Preconditions: No element in lo shall be greater than the corresponding element in hi.
Returns: The result of element-wise application of clamp(v[i], lo[i], hi[i]) for all i in the range of [0, basic_simd<T, Abi>​::​size()).
template<class T, class U> constexpr auto simd_select(bool c, const T& a, const U& b) -> remove_cvref_t<decltype(c ? a : b)>;
Effects: Equivalent to: return c ? a : b;
template<size_t Bytes, class Abi, class T, class U> constexpr auto simd_select(const basic_simd_mask<Bytes, Abi>& c, const T& a, const U& b) noexcept -> decltype(simd-select-impl(c, a, b));
Effects: Equivalent to: return simd-select-impl(c, a, b); where simd-select-impl is found by argument-dependent lookup ([basic.lookup.argdep]) contrary to [contents].