29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.10 Data-parallel types [simd]

29.10.8 Class template basic_simd_mask [simd.mask.class] basic_simd_mask constructors [simd.mask.ctor]

constexpr explicit basic_simd_mask(value_type x) noexcept;
Effects: Initializes each element with x.
template<size_t UBytes, class UAbi> constexpr explicit basic_simd_mask(const basic_simd_mask<UBytes, UAbi>& x) noexcept;
Constraints: basic_simd_mask<UBytes, UAbi>​::​size() == size() is true.
Effects: Initializes the element with x[i] for all i in the range of [0, size()).
template<class G> constexpr explicit basic_simd_mask(G&& gen) noexcept;
Constraints: The expression gen(integral_constant<simd-size-type, i>()) is well-formed and its type is bool for all i in the range of [0, size()).
Effects: Initializes the element with gen(integral_constant<simd-size-type, i>()) for all i in the range of [0, size()).
Remarks: The calls to gen are unsequenced with respect to each other.
Vectorization-unsafe ([algorithms.parallel.defns]) standard library functions may not be invoked by gen.
gen is invoked exactly once for each i.