17 Language support library [support]

17.1 General [support.general]

This Clause describes the function signatures that are called implicitly, and the types of objects generated implicitly, during the execution of some C++ programs.
It also describes the headers that declare these function signatures and define any related types.
The following subclauses describe common type definitions used throughout the library, characteristics of the predefined types, functions supporting start and termination of a C++ program, support for dynamic memory management, support for dynamic type identification, support for contract-violation handling, support for exception processing, support for initializer lists, and other runtime support, as summarized in Table 42.
Table 42 — Language support library summary [tab:support.summary]
Common definitions
<cstddef>, <cstdlib>
Implementation properties
<cfloat>, <climits>, <limits>, <version>
Arithmetic types
<cstdint>, <stdfloat>
Start and termination
Dynamic memory management
Type identification
<typeinfo>, <typeindex>
Source location
Exception handling
Contract-violation handling
Initializer lists
Other runtime support
<csetjmp>, <csignal>, <cstdarg>, <cstdlib>